Unfortunately, all our sections are currently full.
If you would like to join the 3rd Epsom Scout Group please press ‘Join now’, fill in the form and press the ‘Join Waiting List’ button.
Submission of this form assumes you accept our policy on data protection. Children waiting to join the sections in our Scout Group are requested to provide contact information (name, DOB, postcode, contact number). This information is held in our waiting list within Online Scout Manager (which is itself GDPR compliant).
If your child is of Beaver age (6-8), we will contact you if a space becomes available. Unfortunately, all our sections are currently full and we are not likely to have any new places in the next year or so, but we will keep you informed if a space becomes available. We hold one waiting list and apply it across all sections, so if you don’t get a place for Beavers, you are automatically on the list for Cubs etc. If you would like your child to join Scouting, your best bet may be to take a friend and contact another group (see
At least once a year, people on the waiting list will be contacted to ensure their information is correct. We will ask if they wish to remain on the list and if they are happy for us to store their personal data. Where people request (via the Group Scout leader) to be removed from the list their information will be deleted, effective the following term.
Please note that we do currently have 6-12 month waiting lists in all sections.