The Scout Association is a registered charity. With the exception of some staff at Scout Association Headquarters (in London) all the leaders are volunteers and receive no financial reward for their time. Inevitably there are costs that have to be met (e.g. insurance, hall upkeep, gas and electricity bills). A Membership Fee (Capitation) is paid to Scout Association Headquarters each year by every member of the Association. It is used to pay for Scout Association administration (national, county and district), the upkeep of campsites and insurance of members (children and leaders). It also pays for our local campsite at Headley which means we can use it free of charge.
Each section in the Group charges a termly fee for subscriptions and capitation. Subscription fees are used to pay for the activities and equipment each week. In addition a proportion goes towards the Group to pay for equipment wear and tear (tents, gas, cookers, etc…) and a small amount goes towards the upkeep of the HQ (although the majority of HQ funds are raised from hiring our the building). Whilst some sections, typically the Scouts and Explorers, use the equipment more than others, everyone also benefits on occasions as they also Camp and will hopefully stay on to become Scouts/Explorers.
Subs are currently £32.00 a term for Beavers, £35.00 for Cubs and £37.00 for Scouts and Explorers. A reminder is sent out when subs are due which is typically at the start of each term. It should be noted that we never exclude children who are unable to pay the subs. If you have any issues please talk to one of the leaders.
In addition new members to the Group are charged a £25 joining fee which goes towards paying for the Group Scarf, their first Group T-shirt and their first set of uniform badges.
We do not charge a membership fee for moving from one section to another. The Group scarf and Group T-shirt is the same for all sections. The basic badges (membership, Distict, County and Group flash) are the same and we ask you transfer them to the new uniform. Alternatively new sets of badges can be purchased for around £5.00.
Note all cheques for any activity should be made payable to ‘3rd Epsom Scout Group’ but please write the child’s name on the back together with the activity (e.g. subs or summer camp deposit). Preferably we ask parents to pay by Bank Transfer into the following account:
Sort Code: 30-80-33, Account No: 22624268
Note this is not the account to be used for Hall or Forge bookings.
These should be paid into Sort Code: 30-93-08, Account No: 00172733
We do ask that if you are a tax payer then you complete a Gift Aid form and return it to us with the first membership fee.
The 3rd Epsom Scout Group is a Registered Charity (no 305715).