Please use this page if you are not able to complete and return the booking form via email.Submission of this form assumes you accept the terms and conditions.Hall ConditionsForce ConditionsName of Organisation: *Contact Name: *Street Address *TownCountyPost codePhone *Email Address *Function details:Select *BuildingHQForgeDate Required *Nature of function: *Note we do not accept any bookings after 11pm or parties for adults or children above 11 years of age or disco parties.Start Time (24 hour clock) *HoursMinutesYou should include time for setting up and clearing away.End Time (24 hour clock) *HoursMinutesYou should include time for setting up and clearing away.Any Special Requirements:How did you hear about us: *Agreed Price: *GBPHQ: Minimum price is £85.00 for up to 3 hours plus £25.00 per hour afterwards. Forge: Minimum price is £40.00 for up to 3 hours plus £12.50 per hour afterwardsPayment details (in advance):Total payment to be made following confirmation of booking and price and at least two weeks in advance. Payment can be made by cheque or preferably bank transfer using the details below:- Account Name: Epsom St Martins Scouts & Guides HQ Sort Code: 30-93-08 Account No: 00172733If paying by bank transfer, please include your name and booking date on the reference.Submission of this form assumes you accept the terms and conditions.Hall ConditionsForce ConditionsSend Message